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with HTF. Insurance arranged by Länsförsäkringar | Member of Företagarna and Företagarförbundet
Post Giro 1670824-0 | Bank Giro 5500-0152


You are welcome to contact us

Raise your competence level further with the right co-workers. Our knowledge about inner qualities and business, together with our own experience of those conditions and demands that leadership requires, goes a long way towards ensuring that you get an effective recruitment process.

Andreas Flyckt is a recruitment consultant and economist. He has extensive experience of personnel assessment and recruitment assignments at management level in all the Nordic countries. Since 1990 he has been actively working in recruitment carrying out over 2 500 interviews leading to more than 550 successful appointments all in the Nordic region.


Andreas Flyckt, Managing Director, Flyckt & Partners
Tel: +46 (0)8 52 50 86 30
Mob: +46 (0)70 725 48 36